Empress Needs New Clothes

Have you ever felt like your outer expression doesn't match your new vision of yourself and how you want to serve as a divine changemaker?
Ready for A Breakthrough? Envision a New Start

This year as our collective society experiences a new threshold of mega change and uncertainty, you will be required to adapt to many new things. A new level of spiritual testing is unfolding for awakened souls. Continue reading for context about breakthroughs and new starts you can orchestrate for yourself.
While You Were Waiting - Opening Your Mind

As our outer world accelerates its morphing into brand-new societal structures, our personal lives can feel tumultuous and uncertain. A sense of waiting is common, often intermixed with apprehension. Continue reading to understand this phenomena in your own life and learn how to cope.
Awakening in The Age of Mega Change - 5 Benefits of Being Alive Now

Awakening in this age of mega change is different than in any other time. We need new tools and updated perspectives to navigate these moments. Continue reading to grasp the challenges we face and learn 5 benefits of being alive now.
Put Compassion in Action - Blessings of Wesak Season

Energies now are morphing more, happenstance often unpredictable and outside our control. To navigate this phase, we must bring compassion into everyday interactions. Continue reading for examples of how we put compassion into action to help ourselves and others.