DNA Sessions
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DNA Sessions
US $175 per hour session rate for
DNA Sessions

Divine Changemakers: Quantum Creativity | Sessions | Selacia
Private DNA sessions to address life issues and DNA patterns, understand how you are impacted by planetary energy cycles, and have foresight about your future potentials.
All of us have patterns in our DNA related to conditioning. Some of that is this life, even early on inside our mother's womb, as we internalized feelings and attitudes of our caregivers. Beyond that, we have DNA-related patterns stemming from our ancestors, past lives, in-between-life soul agreements, and the mass consciousness.
When this conditioning is addressed at a DNA level, a deep transformation occurs - for you personally and for your ancestors - even for humanity at large, for when we clear our own issues that also exist in the mass consciousness, we help to heal and elevate humanity. Healing of our ancestors and humanity expands the healing to a quantum level - helping us to be of service to past generations and humanity-at-large. As more of us do this, we accelerate the process of creating a more compassionate and loving world.
During the 2020s, many very old wounds will be arising within us. We may not be conscious to them, but they are there. It's part of the cleansing and mega transformation occurring so we can shift how we live together on the Earth. During healing sessions, these ancient wounds often arise, and when they do, they can be cleared. This helps you on a quantum multi-generational level.
The DNA sessions go beyond clearing DNA patterns. Oftentimes a challenging relationship or business dynamic can be so troublesome, with so much emotional distress, that it's difficult on your own to see the whole picture or detect nuances and connected themes in your life. In those cases, a neutral expert like Selacia can help you connect the dots, have breakthroughs, and begin to resolve things.
Astrology sessions on a regular basis are a must for this rare junction. We haven't had a time like this before. Much is shifting within us, and in the collective we engage with. Planetary energies impact us, even if we know nothing about them or aren't in touch with our astrology and how those energies line up with our personal chart.
The 2020s will involve countless changes and a mega restructuring of our lives. Knowing how the planetary energies impact us personally provides an essential roadmap to our personal and spiritual transformation. If we know we have an "energy opportunity window", for example, to advance our career or initiate/enhance a key relationship, simply knowing that helps us prepare on an inner level and take actions.
Knowing our own astrology is empowering and practical in day-to-day life. Readings focus on key harmonies, where you have the most harmony - and when there are challenging energies, determining how to use the harmony in your chart and other alchemy tools to find balance.
There is no gloom and doom. Readings are supportive, and can help you map out your life with more skill and foresight - this one thing puts you in the driver's seat of your own life.
To order your private session with Selacia, select your desired session type, and then pay for your session via secure ordering through Selacia.com. As soon as we hear from you, we will contact you to set up a time.
US $175 per hour session rate for
DNA Sessions
US $175 per hour session rate for
Pet Sessions
You are invited to experience spirit-directed healings and readings for your pet. During the session with Selacia, you can receive animal communication from your pet. You also can relax and de-stress while your pet receives energetic healing of physical and emotional conditions. Receive insights about what you can do to facilitate the health and happiness of your pet.
Animal communication through Selacia can open you to more understanding of your pet's needs, behaviors, and desires. You and your pet can benefit from your knowing what your pet likes and dislikes, what causes your pet distress,...
US $225 per hour session rate for
Astrology Sessions
Selacia's intuitive astrology readings help provide a roadmap for your life. They help you to better understand your past, present and future - so you have more joy and success. The insights received help you to maximize your potential in this new evolutionary cycle.
As part of your session, you will receive insights from The Council of 12 about your life path and astrological background which incorporates ancient Hermetic teachings involving astrology and sacred geometry.
You will receive information to help you understand your unique self, your gifts, and your purpose here on Earth. You will learn how to maximize your strengths and how to overcome your weaknesses. You will understand what is affecting you today and what to expect over the coming weeks...
US $350 per session rate for
Crystal Journey Sessions
48-hour cancellation policy applies - session fees non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours session commencement.
Selacia's intuitive Crystal Journey Sessions provide you with an experiential journey to other times and places in order to better understand your current life. These in-person sessions can help you to better understand your past, present and future so you can have more joy and success. The insights received help you to maximize your potential in this new evolutionary cycle. Each experience will be unique and have unique benefits.
All information provided is Copyright © Selacia.
The information provided by Selacia/Communication for Transformation is not meant to serve as medical advice or prognosis, and Selacia/Communication for Transformation assume no responsibility if the information is misused.
Session healing work performed with...