How to receive the most from your Crystal Journey session | Sessions | Selacia

Please note: Crystal Journey Sessions are only available to existing clients of Selacia's (you must have already ordered another Session type before you can order a Crystal Journey), and the Crystal Journey Sessions are only offered in person.

It's recommended that you wear comfortable clothing. Please plan on bringing some warm socks, a notebook for anything you want to write down afterwards (these sessions are not taped), and take off all metal/jewelry (including belts, earrings, rings) before the session. You will be lying down the entire time.

We set up a crystal grid of energy, placing crystals around you and on your body. Usually, Selacia places a light blanket over your body after placing the crystals. This is because when you "travel" out of your body, you may have shifts in body temperature.

After we set up the crystal grid and are ready to begin, Selacia will place a cloth over your eyes so that the room is dark for the journey. 

We don't program ahead of time what will happen. Typically, a person might visit 2-3 lifetimes, but there's no rigid formula. Sometimes we travel into the future too. Your soul will decide where you "travel," based upon your current life situation. Selacia will 'travel' with you energetically, and will personally facilitate the process in tandem with The Council of 12.

You will be going into an altered state, and you will be very relaxed, yet you will need to be "present" enough to speak to Selacia, letting her know what you're experiencing and/or seeing.

If you haven't worked Selacia for a while, it's helpful to bring her up to date before your session time re your current life issues, dreams, desires, etc. Doing this will also help spirit to focus the energy of the session so that you have the most benefit. Some people have a number of crystal journey sessions, each one of them involving travel to a different set of lifetimes. Each experience will be unique and have unique benefits.

The session time is typically at least 2 hours or more. You will want to set aside an afternoon of your time for one of these, allowing for the session itself and some integration time afterwards. If you want some time to visit and see Selacia's current stock of goodies/crystals, that could add a bit more time outside of session time.