6 Weeks of Catalysts to Change Your Life - Navigating Eclipse Season
Full Moons - especially with an eclipse - are always a catalyst for personal and collective change. What gets set in motion during an eclipse has a ripple effect for weeks, sometimes months to come. The same happens with New Moons accompanied by an eclipse.
November-December Eclipse Cycle
Our second eclipse cycle of 2021 begins with the November 19 Full Moon lunar eclipse followed by the December 4 New Moon solar eclipse.
These eclipses are occurring during the US Pluto return and other powerful energy catalysts that are transforming the very world under our feet.
Since change is usually slow and has push-back, there's a human tendency to think nothing is changing or not fast enough. The reality is that a quantum level of change is underway. I invite you to trust this - and to use this time to focus on your own personal changes.
Opportune Catalysts of These 6 Weeks
Of all the energy events of 2021 to date, this 6 weeks offers the most opportune catalysts to change your life.
This means opportunities you don't typically have to shift your status quo. It means opportunities that arise when you go within and listen to your heart about what you need to let go of to make space for the new in 2022. And it means opportunities that will show up as a wild card - with such amazing potential you could not even imagine them right now!
Fluid and Changeable
Part of the uncertainty of these moments is how fluid and changeable everything is. Our ego-self rebels against such circumstances, for it abhors not knowing and needing to change things that have become our status quo.
There's a wise part of us, however, that is driven by a desire for self-growth, self-actualization, and expanding our ability to be of service in the world.
Learn more about what these dynamics mean for you personally by taking time to become still and inquiring within. It is when you sit quietly and let go of expectations and demands that the highest level of wisdom will come to you.
Link Between the 2 Eclipses
Come join us for the 2 eclipse meditations. The 2 global events are linked this year: the November 20 meditation will address current-time themes and issues in your life. As you receive the energy and insights, you will be better prepared to respond to uncertainty and the roller coaster emotions of this eclipse season.
What you address now will prepare you for a whole new level of openings and opportunities next month. At our December 4 meditation, you will be ready for an anchoring of the new energies you then hold within your field, and for a deeper level of insights and clearing. This combination will help you end 2021 on a high note and be prepared for an entire new set of opportunities in 2022.
© Selacia. All Rights Reserved.
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Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.
Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.