Angels Around You | Blog | Selacia

SelaciaAngels Around You

Angel Intentions New Moon Process
-Manifest with Help from Your Angels-
by Selacia

The upcoming New Moon is a perfect time to energize goals and new directions! For optimal results, think big and new and allow your mind to stretch beyond what you thought you could do, be, or have. Come up with specific goals, envision them, and feel them in your heart. That feeling part is essential to manifesting.

Add to this energizing by inviting in the assistance of your angel guides. Did you know New Moons are a wonderful time to remember you have such guides and consciously invite their help?

Angels Around You

If you haven’t yet made tangible connections with your angels, trust that they are around you. Most people in fact are born with angel guides, and some may have been guides in previous lifetimes.

This means you can have a long history with angels around you today. These angels understand you from the big-picture perspective of your soul’s long journey to get to the present. This adds to the potential help they can be in guiding you – showing you positive ways forward and helping you avoid side trips.

June 4-5 New Moon

This particular New Moon is an excellent time to go inward and connect with the spiritual realms. This includes your angels, other spirit guides, and your own soul. There is a higher purpose, after all, for your life. There is also a higher perspective involving your life’s twists and turns. This past month has had plenty of those. The first part of June, however, has some lighter energies to help you get back on track and move forward in amazing ways.

New Moon Process with Angels

Here is a simple process to do with your angels at the New Moon. Do this even if you don’t know who your angel guides are. The process of inviting them will open a door to more tangible knowing over time.

FIRST, center yourself in your heart and clear your mind.

SECOND, tune into your inner wisdom to clarify some intentions that reflect your highest potentials and are in alignment with your soul’s purpose. As you do this you may receive a train of thought, images, or a knowing of your path ahead. If you can’t put this into words for your intentions, ask for a symbol.

THIRD, invite your angel guides from the highest pure light realms to come in around you for the energizing of your New Moon intentions. As you do this, you may feel a presence or just a knowing they are there.

FOURTH, state your intentions or visualize a symbol for them. Feel these in your heart as you do this.

FIFTH, ask your angels to help guide you towards manifesting these goals. As part of that, request that you receive signposts or nudges when you are headed in the right direction. Also ask for signs showing you needed course corrections or situations to avoid. Then thank your angels and your inner wisdom for this helpful guidance. Visualize blessings coming in from all directions and a perfect spirit orchestration occurring. Then let go and let it be.

Going Forward

This process can be done anytime of course. New Moons can be especially powerful times to do such intentions, however, and when you include your angels in the mix some wonderful things can begin to unfold.

Role as Divine Changemaker

Keep in mind that this is your life path and in the end only you can direct it by your actions and responses to life circumstances. Angels and other guides cannot intervene and override your free will or save you from yourself if you insist on a misguided direction.

As a divine changemaker, alive now to be at the helm of your own creations, you progress most quickly when you remember that you are in charge. The world and your conditioning may tell you otherwise, but trust in your quantum abilities to continually change and evolve into higher consciousness.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

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© Selacia. All Rights Reserved.
Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to this website, and the full article text.


Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.

Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.

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