Be The Bridge to Love - Tap Your Inner Strength Amidst Volatility
Tiger energy can take things up a notch - especially in 2022 with the US Pluto return becoming exact this month. Since Pluto signifies death and rebirth on a mega scale, look for amplified events and unexpected twists-and-turns. What we have unfolding will have both personal and collective impact for years to come.
Tigers as An Ally
How can tigers be our ally? Tigers are a symbolic power animal, associated with strength and the ability to courageously act on what we believe is right and just. In shamanic traditions, tigers are a teacher - bringing truth to light and providing energy to walk through the fire of volatility and unknowns.
These times require that we face what is in front of us, and use it for our own awakening and to bring light into seemingly unsolvable situations. We do this with unbounded inner strength, which we have been learning to source over lifetimes in preparation for being alive now.
We are not new to challenges. Living on this Earth plane is full of them. We are seasoned, beyond what we know and remember!
3 Ways to Use Tiger Energy to Be The Bridge to Love
- Invoke tiger energy daily to help you find the courage within yourself to be compassionate when those around you are caught up in fear that stops them from doing the right thing.
- Call upon your inner tiger to open your heart to those who cannot find love in themselves.
- When you get overwhelmed or stuck, ask your inner tiger to light a fire of inspiration within you - helping you to connect with one single step you can take to get calm and present. Take that step - even if it's simply a walk in nature - and you will find within yourself a boundless reservoir of creativity to lift yourself and others higher.
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Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.
Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.