Opposition with Potency | Blog | Selacia

SelaciaOpposition with Potency

It's not enough to oppose something. If you don't like something and want to change it, mere opposition is not enough. To oppose something publicly in a general way, while it makes a statement, is not as powerful as opposition that is clearly defined.

You may feel that an industry or government you oppose is only interested in greed and that it doesn't care about the people it serves. Honor your feelings, but look more deeply at underlying issues, beyond what you hear in the media and beyond what you see posted on websites. Do your own research, applying a grounded spiritual perspective. Invite your inner wisdom to show you a big-picture view of things. Inquire within to know your own truth and the real reasons that you oppose something. Take this a step further by defining what it is you oppose - in your own words, from your heart. Then decide what you would like to replace the thing that you oppose - be specific.

These indeed are times of great change. The next few years will bring revolutionary changes to all aspects of our society. You are alive now to witness these changes, and even more than that, you are here as a divine changemaker to take an active part in creating positive changes needed for a more loving world.

Changes indeed will come. Changes will happen when sufficient numbers of people awaken to society's dysfunction, become educated about what's going on, define for themselves what they want to create, and then take constructive actions in the world. A step at a time, taken consciously and with love, changes the world.

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Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.

Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.

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