Responding to Challenges | Blog | Selacia

SelaciaResponding to Challenges

How can we respond to the plethora of challenges found in an ordinary day?

It's not your imagination when you sense that you have more challenges than your grandparents did. These are different times.

There is a sense of urgency in the air and you feel it. Even if you had no stressful event to ponder today, that feeling of pressure would be there. It's running in the background all day and all night.

With challenges come choices and therefore your opportunity to set in motion positive changes. After all, isn't this why you are alive now? Your wise self knows this is true. It is this inner wisdom that can guide you in making optimal choices that lead to a more joyful life.

Here are some insights-an excerpt from my new book-to give you a context for the new way to approach challenges and choices.

"A new way to look at choice making and choices is needed for these times. To embody this new approach and apply it in your life, you must become present and conscious when making choices, recognizing the power you have to create in the world. Choices involving the use of force, blame, and victimhood will only accentuate any disharmony you feel in these uncertain times."

Becoming conscious of our choice making isn't easy, to be sure. It takes skill, practice, and more practice. Stay tuned here over the coming months for more insights that will help you to become skilled in navigating choices, big and small.

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Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.

Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.

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