Thrive During Emotional Turmoil - A Step At A Time
A huge gift of being alive now is riding the wave of Pluto in Capricorn. This energy brings to the surface "new" information we personally or collectively couldn't or wouldn't see or act on before.
It shows us our dead wood, our outworn habits, and our ego consciousness. It reveals how power is misused - historically showing up as ego power vs divine power.
Since the entire world is in this energy, society is having a meltdown as we in the collective sort through the dirty laundry of centuries leading to now. As the cycle progresses, it becomes harder to look away and pretend we don't see what's being revealed.
Ukraine & Libra Full Moon
This weekend's Libra full moon will put even more of a spotlight on what's out of balance. We are nearing a critical mass point, during which humanity as a collective no longer will be able to look away. The Ukraine crisis -- as devastating as it is -- has the silver lining of being our latest wake-up call.
What's needed now is understanding and humility, put in motion by conscious beings like you who can make a difference. Individuals affect the whole, in more ways than you can imagine.
With the state of our world, it's easy to become discouraged, overwhelmed, and perhaps feel that you are too small to make any difference in atrocities happening far away. This is not true. Your energy, your voice, and your prayers DO matter.
A Consciousness Pivot Point
Right now, you stand at a consciousness pivot point - a historical threshold that will determine the fate of life on Earth for centuries to come. What happens on Earth at this juncture will impact life elsewhere in the cosmos.
A Step At A Time
Therefore, it's vital to stay conscious and embrace the chaos arising. Only by embracing what's in front you - moment-by-moment - will you be resourced personally for your larger purposes in being alive now. When things get messy, come back to your center and take a step at a time. Avoid getting ahead of yourself. Your power is in the moment as the next situation or emotional cascade arises.
Be the rock for others. Show others the way by being patient, persistent, and compassionate. Apply those qualities first with yourself, then model that consciousness for others. Years from now you will look back and feel grateful that you stayed conscious and present as the world underwent rebirth into a brand-new consciousness.
Choosing Love Over Fear
You will be celebrating your own series of rebirths, too, knowing you did all you could to support the collective in choosing love over fear. This is how we save our planet for future generations. This is how we catapult ourselves forward on our individual spiritual paths.
© Selacia. All Rights Reserved.
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Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.
Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.