Discovering a Simple Way to Be | Blog | Selacia

SelaciaDiscovering a Simple Way to Be

Life is complex, even in ordinary times. These are not ordinary times, though, and it's not your imagination to feel that you have more to deal with than before. It comes with the territory of living now.

In any other time of history, you would have faced problems. Life in general, however, did not feel as complex as it does now. Your "to do" list was much shorter, you had less frequent interactions with people, and you had fewer decisions to make each day.

In my new book, "Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years," I give you a map to these unique times and how to skillfully move through the complexities we face today. In the chapter called "The Art of Making Choices," I describe the process of choice.

Did you know that complex things often need simple solutions?

One way people tend to get bogged down with decision making - either delaying the decision or jumping in too soon with an answer - is when they over think issues. This can obscure the optimal choice, often involving a simple remedy.

Complex problems often are resolved with simple solutions.

Invite in the perfect simple remedy for your dilemma the next time that you are stressed. Life offers you a huge canvas - you will succeed when you don't overwhelm yourself with the entire canvas in one sitting!

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Selacia is a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers. Author of a number of books, she wrote Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years and writes an annual guide to the coming year.

Browse her website and benefit from unique spiritual transformation tools offered, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more timely and inspirational insights.

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